The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists

Presentation information

Poster presentation


[PD01-09] 〔徹底討論〕周術期呼吸管理2

Thu. Jun 8, 2017 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM A (in Japanese)

座長:花崎 元彦(国際医療福祉大学病院)、コメンテーター:小林 孝史(大崎市民病院)

[PD01-09-03] The effect of the initial inflation pressure of the tube cuff on the liquid leakage.

〇Naoko Kamoshida1, Koichi Maruyama1, Asako Iwashita1, Yukihide Koyama1, Tomio Andoh1 (1. Mizonokuchi Hospital,Teikyo University School of Medicine)

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