The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists

Presentation information

Poster presentation


[PD01-12] 基礎 薬理・手技

Thu. Jun 8, 2017 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM D (in Japanese)

座長:新山 幸俊(札幌医科大学附属病院)、コメンテーター:多田羅 恒雄(兵庫医科大学病院)

[PD01-12-05] Clinical anatomy of cephalic vein to perform venipuncture safely

〇Mitsuhiro Matsuo1, Satoru Honma2, Takahiro Sonomura2, Mitsuaki Yamazaki1 (1. Department of anesthesiology, University of Toyama, 2. Department of anatomy II, Kanazawa medical university)

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