The 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists Chugoku-Shikoku Region

Presentation information



[P06] 合併症1

Sat. Sep 2, 2017 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM ポスター会場 (徳島大学 大塚講堂【1階】 大ホールステージ)

座長:鷹取 誠(広島市立広島市民病院)

2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

[P06-01] A case of pneumothorax due to pneumoperitoneum gas during laparoscopic esophageal hiatus hernia repair

〇TAKEKI YOSHIKAWA1, Yasushi Takasaki2, Mikiko Takeuti2, Hideyuki Nandate3, Kentarou Dote3, Toshihiro Yorozuya2 (1. Ehime University Hospital Surgical Division, 2. Ehime University Hospital Department of Anesthesioloy and Resuscitology, 3. Ehime University Hospital Intensive Care Unit)

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