

NFC Session » [NFC Session] NFC-2 UEPD (Development of fundamental technology for understanding emotions of people with dementia and its applications to communication support)

Oral presentation

[1G1-NFC-2a] [NFC Session] NFC-2 UEPD (Development of fundamental technology for understanding emotions of people with dementia and its applications to communication support)

Tue. Jun 5, 2018 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM Room G (5F Ruby Hall Hiten)

座長:竹林 洋一(静岡大学)

Oral presentation

[1G2-NFC-2b] [NFC Session] NFC-2 UEPD (Development of fundamental technology for understanding emotions of people with dementia and its applications to communication support)

Tue. Jun 5, 2018 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room G (5F Ruby Hall Hiten)

座長:竹林 洋一(静岡大学)



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