


一般セッション » [一般セッション] 9.自然言語処理・情報検索

[1J3] 自然言語処理-自然言語処理応用(3)

2018年6月5日(火) 17:20 〜 19:00 J会場 (2F ロイヤルガーデンB)

座長:平岡 拓也(NEC)

18:20 〜 18:40

[1J3-04] Preliminary Analysis of Weibo Emojis for Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Social Media

〇Da Li1, Rafal Rzepka1, Kenji Araki1 (1. Hokkaido University)

キーワード:Sentiment Analysis, Emoticons, Weibo

In this paper, we introduce our preliminary analysis of emoticons used on Weibo, Chinese microblog. By performing a polarity annotation with a new humorous type added, we have confirmed that 23 emoticons can be considered more as humorous than positive or negative. We also discussed some possible related problems which might occur during any social media sentiment analysis performed on Chinese language. We believe that combining machine learning, sentiment lexicons and paralinguistic elements as emoticons can be expected to achieve better performance in the future.