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NFC Session » [NFC Session] NFC-4 5C (Comprehending Consumers: Computing Complexity of Cultures)

[2H4-NFC-4b] [NFC Session] NFC-4 5C (Comprehending Consumers: Computing Complexity of Cultures)

Wed. Jun 6, 2018 5:20 PM - 6:40 PM Room H (10F Sky Hall)

座長:谷田 泰郎(シナジーマーケティング)

5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

[2H4-NFC-4b-02] A Study of the Values and the Revisit Intention of Inbound Tourists in Japan

〇Hiromi Kamata1 (1. Hitotsubashi University)

Keywords:The Value, Inbound tourists, Revisit intention

The purpose of this study is to analyze inbound tourists come to Japan. Segmenting the tourists by their values and comparing the satisfaction and the revisit intention among the segments. There are some useful studies of tourist segmentation by the motivation, however, the motivation items were defined by each study. The motivation might be changed by the time or the destinations. The values can be considered that are more stable than the motivation which will change by the situation. This study will attempt the values to inbound tourists’ segmentation analysis. Additionally, satisfaction and revisit intention are compared by the segments. Based on these analysis, repeater segment’s characteristics will be induced.