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NFC Session » [NFC Session] NFC-3 PADSED (Product and Activity Design Support based on Event Database)

[2K3-NFC-3a] [NFC Session] NFC-3 PADSED (Product and Activity Design Support based on Event Database)

Wed. Jun 6, 2018 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room K (3F Azisai Mokuren)

座長:西村 拓一(産業技術総合研究所)

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

[2K3-NFC-3a-02] Knowledge Sharing and Acquisition among Teachers using Guitar Rendition Ontology

〇Nami Iino2,3, Satoshi Nishimura2, Takuichi Nishimura2, Ken Fukuda2, Hideaki Takeda1,3 (1. National Institute of Informatics, 2. National Institute of Advanced Institute Science and Technology , 3. Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

Keywords:Guitar Rendition Ontology, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Acquisition

In music field, the knowledge of players and teachers is important, and it can be learning and teaching support by describing and providing them correctly. But the knowledge of classical guitar is not standardized now. Therefore, common teaching method has not been established even for fundamental skill. In this paper, we developed a Guitar Rendition Ontology of classical guitar for knowledge sharing/acquiring among teachers. We structured knowledge for expanding the goal-oriented knowledge that we constructed on our previous research. Through hearing survey on the ontology we developed, we considered the usefulness of knowledge sharing/acquisition and future work for application to teaching site.