


オーガナイズドセッション » [オーガナイズドセッション] OS-27 人工知能の医療応用

[4C2-OS-27b] 人工知能の医療応用(2)

2018年6月8日(金) 14:00 〜 15:40 C会場 (4F オーキッド)

14:40 〜 15:00

[4C2-OS-27b-03] クラスタリングによる看護クリニカルパス生成

〇津本 周作1、木村 知広1、岩田 春子1、平野 章二1 (1. 島根大学)


This paper proposes the following two-fold clinical care generation method. First, the system proposes how clinical cases with the same DPC code are characterized by mixture model clustering, and construct classification model by the analysis of discharge summaries. Then, cases are classified by using the classification model and a clinical pathway is generated for each new class. The proposed method was evaluated on the dataets extracted hospital information system, whose results show that plausible clinical pathways were obtained.