


オーガナイズドセッション » [オーガナイズドセッション] OS-9 プロセス中心のシステムデザインとラーニングアナリティクス

[4H1-OS-9a] プロセス中心のシステムデザインとラーニングアナリティクス(1)

2018年6月8日(金) 12:00 〜 13:40 H会場 (10F スカイホール)

12:40 〜 13:00

[4H1-OS-9a-03] Connecting Learning Footprints Across Versions within E-Book Reader

〇Christopher Ching-Yuan Yang1, Brendan Flanagan2, Hiroaki Ogata2 (1. Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, 2. Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)

キーワード:Learning Footprints, Version Control, E-Book Reader

This paper deals with the connection of learning footprints across versions within an e-book reader, we propose the issue with e-book reading and data analysis after new version learning material been uploaded to the e-book reader. We first briefly give an introduction to talk about version control system and e-book reader, then we propose a process to combine the core concepts of version control such like Diff and Merge with an e-book reader, we also developed a Transformation model to connect all the learning footprints across versions made by e-book users. In the final, we give the implementation results with our own test data about how this process can fix the proposed issue, and also the limitations and conclusions of this research.