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Oral presentation

General Session » [General Session] 11. Robot / Real World

[4L1] [General Session] 11. Robot / Real World

Fri. Jun 8, 2018 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM Room L (3F Sapphire Hall Asuka)

座長:大澤 博隆(筑波大学)

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

[4L1-01] Dialogue Strategy to Reduce Unnaturalness of Subjective Opinions of Conversational Androids

〇Takahisa Uchida1,2, Takashi Minato1, Hiroshi Ishiguro1,2 (1. Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), 2. Osaka University)

Keywords:Non-task-oriented Dialogue, Dialogue Strategy, Android

The goal of this research is to construct a conversational android that evokes users' motivation to talk in non-task-oriented dialogue like chatting. It has been said that stating subjective opinions is effective for motivating people to talk; however, users feel it to be unnatural when a conversational android states its subjective opinions. We hypothesized that lacking the background information as to why and how the android has the subjective opinions leads to the sense of unnaturalness because the users cannot accept its subjective opinions without such information. The experimental results showed that stating the background followed by the subjective opinion was signi cantly more natural than the opposite case; whereas, the naturalness was not in uenced by the order if the speaker is a human. These results suggest that sharing background information in advance is an effective strategy for conversational androids to naturally state their subjective opinions.