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NFC Session

NFC Session » [NFC] NFC-1 Comprehending Consumers: Computing Complexity of Cultures

[1F2-NFC-1] Comprehending Consumers: Computing Complexity of Cultures

Tue. Jun 4, 2019 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM Room F (302B Medium meeting room)

座長:谷田 泰郎(シナジーマーケティング) 評者:長谷川 忍(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

[1F2-NFC-1-04] A Method of Advertising Plot Generation Using an Integrated Narrative Generation System and “Creative Genome”

〇Jumpei Ono1,2, Atsushi Sasaki3, Takashi Ogata2 (1. Vocational School of Digital Arts Sendai, 2. Iwate Prefectural University, 3. AOI TYO Holdings Inc.)

Keywords:Integrated Narrative Generation System, Creative Genome, Advertising Plot, Rhetoric

The purpose of this research is to propose a mechanism to generate advertisement plots in TVCM automatically. TVCM is a short video. However, TVCM has some common structure, and in that respect, it has a story subject to the theory of story. In this paper, we focused on stories in advertisements and proposed an integrated story generation system and an advertising plot generation method using “Creative Genome.” The former is a narrative generation system that integrates narrative theory and artificial intelligence technologies and the latter is a data set describing the influence on the recipient’s emotion and the production method for the existing CM. The proposed method gives a specific generation procedure and constituent elements to the latter by the former knowledge system. Through the above, our proposed mechanism became possible to generate advertisement plot by fusing “Creative Genome” which is research based on the theory of narrative, and various results of INGS.