2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-5 Human interface, education aid

[2C5-E-5] Human interface, education aid: places of design

2019年6月5日(水) 17:20 〜 19:00 C会場 (4F 国際会議室)

座長: 矢田 勝俊(関西大学)

18:00 〜 18:20

[2C5-E-5-03] The effect of eye-catching object on sampling at supermarket

〇前 里穂子1、松村 真宏1 (1. 大阪大学)


This paper considers how consumers pay attention to and participate in sales promotions. To achieve this purpose, we conducted experiments on sampling jam at a supermarket. We did comparison experiments with four conditions using an eye-catching object to encourage shoppers to notice the samples and a voting-style gimmick to encourage them to try the samples. Experimental results show that the object and the gimmick were useful for encouraging shoppers to participate in the sampling. This tendency was noted among people of certain age groups, in pairs, and coming from the entrance.