2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-5 Human interface, education aid

[2C5-E-5] Human interface, education aid: places of design

2019年6月5日(水) 17:20 〜 19:00 C会場 (4F 国際会議室)

座長: 矢田 勝俊(関西大学)

18:20 〜 18:40

[2C5-E-5-04] Vision Based Analysis on Trajectories of Notes Representing Ideas Toward Workshop Summarization

〇Yuji Oyamada1, Mikihiko Mori2, Haruhiko Maenami1 (1. Tottori University, 2. Hosei University)

キーワード:Workshop analysis

In some workshops, the participants use sticky notes to represent their ideas and the notes are regarded as one of the outputs. When workshop analysts summarize a workshop afterwards, they compare those notes and recorded video and/or audio by hand. We hypothesize that spatial and sequential information of the notes represents how ideas are came up with and how discussions flow. Therefore, we propose a vision based system analyzes trajectories of such notes during workshops. This paper introduces our prototype system that analyzes trajectories of notes representing ideas. During the workshop, the system recognizes and tracks each note separately from camera observation. The recognition and tracking results are saved and used for further offline analysis. From preliminary experiments, we confirmed that the proposed system can potentially reduce the manual tasks.