2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-2 Machine learning

[2H5-E-2] Machine learning: new modeling

2019年6月5日(水) 17:20 〜 18:40 H会場 (303+304 小会議室)

座長: 森 純一郎(東京大学)

17:40 〜 18:00

[2H5-E-2-02] Feasible Affect Recognition in Advertising based on Physiological Responses from Wearable Sensors

〇Taweesak Emsawas1 (1. Osaka University)

キーワード:Affect recognition, Physiological responses, Wearable sensors, Sequence learning

Recent studies in affective computing have facilitated and stimulated the development of systems and sensors that can recognize and interpret human affects. Affective computing has been applied in various domains, and one of the applied domains is in the marketing area to increase the consumers' appeal and attraction. In particular, advertisements (ads) can convey amounts of information in a short time. Therefore, using physiological responses can help to acquire a user's feedback and obtain an advantage. This study proposes non-invasive affect recognition in each scene of an advertising video using electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG) and eye-tracking. The preliminary analysis of EEG shows the relationship between scene feeling score and emotional affects regarding physiological responses. Hence, we also trained two types of recognition models: window recognition and sequence learning. The models learned from the physiological responses and questionnaires on a user's preference in each ad scene.