
Presentation information

Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-15

[2I3-OS-15a] 人とAIが織りなす新たなエコシステム(1)

Wed. Jun 5, 2019 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM Room I (306+307 Small meeting rooms)

中川 裕志(理化学研究所)、山川 宏(ドワンゴ人工知能研究所/全脳アーキテクチャ・イニシアティブ)、浅田 稔(大阪大学)、井上 智洋(駒沢大学)、江間 有沙(東京大学)、金井 良太(アラヤ)、高橋 恒一(理化学研究所)、萩田 紀博(ATR)、堀川 優紀子(ATR)、松原 繁夫(京都大学)

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[2I3-OS-15a-03] Analysis of the AI and Society Meeting in Japan

〇Hitomi Sano Sano1 (1. AI and Society lab in Keio university)

Keywords:Technology assessment, ELSI, AI&Society

The AI and Society meeting in Japan is an organisation which meets to discuss ‘the influence of Artificial Intelligence on society’ from various viewpoints such as Humanity, Philosophy, Economics, Law, Politics and Sociology. These are collectively referred as ‘HELPS’. This article classifies the themes have been discussed at this meetings using ‘HELPS’. Through analyzing how various themes have been discussed and how various stakeholders have been involved, we consider the effectiveness of the meetings and how the multi-stakeholder process works.