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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-15

[2I4-OS-15b] 人とAIが織りなす新たなエコシステム(2)

Wed. Jun 5, 2019 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room I (306+307 Small meeting rooms)

中川 裕志(理化学研究所)、山川 宏(ドワンゴ人工知能研究所/全脳アーキテクチャ・イニシアティブ)、浅田 稔(大阪大学)、井上 智洋(駒沢大学)、江間 有沙(東京大学)、金井 良太(アラヤ)、高橋 恒一(理化学研究所)、萩田 紀博(ATR)、堀川 優紀子(ATR)、松原 繁夫(京都大学)

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

[2I4-OS-15b-01] A Study on Formation of Social Consensus on Personal Data Utilization in AI Society

〇Etsuko Tane1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:personal data, consensus formation

In recent years, AI technology has been developing rapidly beyond social acceptance. Although utilization of personal data has advantages of bringing convenience to people and enriching our lives, we also have risks of being abused. Social consensus formation is required to utilize technologies with high uncertainty. In order to practice a valid consensus formation, the diversity of decision-making subjects, the disclosure of necessary information, diversity of options and transparency of the decision-making process is necessary. In this paper, the tasks of utilizing personal data are overviewed and consider how to form a consensus to ensure social rationality.