2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-5 Human interface, education aid

[2J1-E-5] Human interface, education aid: education

2019年6月5日(水) 09:00 〜 10:40 J会場 (201B 中会議室)

座長: 矢田 勝俊(関西大学)

09:40 〜 10:00

[2J1-E-5-03] Vibrational Artificial Subtle Expressions to Convey System’s Confidence Level to Users

〇小松 孝徳1、小林 一樹2、山田 誠二3、船越 孝太郎4、中野 幹生4 (1. 明治大学総合数理学部、2. 信州大学、3. 国立情報学研究所/東京工業大学/総合研究大学院大学、4. ホンダ・リサーチ・インスティテュート・ジャパン)

キーワード:Artificial Subtle Expression (ASEs)、Vibration

Artificial subtle expressions (ASEs) are machine-like expressions used to convey a system’s confidence level to users intuitively. So far, auditory ASEs using beep sounds, visual ASEs using LEDs, and motion ASEs using robot movements have been implemented and shown to be effective. In this paper, we propose a novel type of ASE that uses vibration (vibrational ASEs). We implemented the vibrational ASEs on a smartphone and conducted experiments to confirm whether they can convey a system’s confidence level to users in the same way as the other types of ASEs. The results clearly showed that vibrational ASEs were able to accurately and intuitively convey the designed confidence level to participants, demonstrating that ASEs can be applied in a variety of applications in real environments.