2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-3 Agents

[2O5-E-3] Agents: reasoning and integration

2019年6月5日(水) 17:20 〜 19:00 O会場 (1F 展示ホール左奥)

座長: 福田 直樹(静岡大学)、評者: 伊藤 孝行(名古屋工業大学)

18:00 〜 18:20

[2O5-E-3-03] Using Q-learning and Estimation of Role in Werewolf Game

〇萩原 誠1、Moustafa Ahmed1、伊藤 孝行1 (1. 名古屋工業大学)


This paper introduces a novel construction strategy in Werewolf Game using reinforcement learning(RL). Were- wolf Game is a type of incomplete information games in which the final results of the game is linked to the success or failure in communication. In this paper, we propose a model that uses RL and estimating other agent’s role in order to learn playing strategy in Werewolf Game. In the proposed model, RL is used for deciding the actions of the learning agent and Naive Bayes classifier is used in order to estimate other agent’s role. Up till now, there is no previous research that has effectively applied RL in Werewolf Game among existing AIwolfs in large scale environ- ments. Therefore, by combining RL and estimation of other agent’s role, we demonstrate through experimentation that the proposed approach achieved high level of performance in 11 people Werewolf Game.