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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-18

[3G3-OS-18a] 感情とAI(1)

Thu. Jun 6, 2019 1:50 PM - 3:30 PM Room G (302A Medium meeting room)

日永田 智絵(電気通信大学)、堀井 隆斗(電気通信大学)、長井 隆行(大阪大学)

2:50 PM - 3:10 PM

[3G3-OS-18a-03] Active perception based on free-energy minimization on restricted Boltzmann machines

〇Takato Horii1, Takayuki Nagai1,2 (1. The University of Electro-Communications, 2. Osaka University)

Keywords:Active Perception, Free Energy Principle, Emotion

A robot, which would like to respond quickly in the world, should select more informative signals to estimate the cause of its sensation (e.g., a state of the environment, a category of a handling object, an emotional state of interaction partner, etc.).
This paper proposes an active perception framework that selects the robot's action to perceive critical sensory signals based on a free-energy minimization in an energy-based model.
We employed a restricted Boltzmann machine as a fundamental component for an estimation network of the cause of sensations.
Our framework demonstrated better performance for the attention control in emotional human-robot interaction than other methods.