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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-18

[3G4-OS-18b] 感情とAI(2)

Thu. Jun 6, 2019 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM Room G (302A Medium meeting room)

日永田 智絵(電気通信大学)、堀井 隆斗(電気通信大学)、長井 隆行(大阪大学)

4:50 PM - 5:10 PM

[3G4-OS-18b-04] Human inference system derived from emotion as a value calculation system hypothesis

〇Masahiro Miyata1, Takashi Mory2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Tamagawa University, 2. College of Engineering, Tamagawa University)

Keywords:Emotion, value calculation system, Associative memory model, Human inference

There were many modeling studies about the emotion. But most of them were phenomenological and don’t approach to the brain and/or cognitive mechanism. In this study, we consider a possibility of its computational modeling based on an idea that an emotion in wider sense is a value calculation system for an action decision. However, conventional inference methods could not explain human intuitive inference and logical inference. In previous study, we propose an integrated model in which the intuitive inference is represented as a search process of in a continuous and distributed associative memory, and is switched to a symbolic inference mode that biases an associative gain when it found values during the intuitive inference search. In this study, we show a merit of emotion based action decision that combines inference, reinforcement learning and reflex.