2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



国際セッション » [ES] E-3 Agents

[3H3-E-3] Agents: safe and cooperative society

2019年6月6日(木) 13:50 〜 15:30 H会場 (303+304 小会議室)

Chair: Ahmed Moustafa (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Reviewer: Takayuki Ito (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

14:50 〜 15:10

[3H3-E-3-04] Toward machine learning-based facilitation for online discussion in crowd-scale deliberation

〇Chunsheng Yang1, Takayuki Ito2, Wen GU2 (1. National Research Council Canada, 2. Nagoya Institute of Technology)

キーワード:Agent, MAchine learning, online discussion, case based reasoning

The objective of this paper is to develop machine learning-based facilitation agent for facilitating online discussion in collective intelligence, particularly for online discussion in deliberation. The main idea is to model facilitator’s human behaviour by using machine learning technique, case-based reasoning paradigm,. After introducing the details of the proposed machine learning-based approach for facilitation of online discussion, the paper presents some preliminary results along with some outline of the on-going research tasks and future work. The results demonstrate that it is feasible and effective to develop machine learning-based agent for smoothing the discussion and achieving a consensus.