2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)



一般セッション » [GS] J-9 自然言語処理・情報検索

[4M2-J-9] 自然言語処理・情報検索: 言語と認知プロセス

2019年6月7日(金) 12:00 〜 13:00 M会場 (1F 展示ホール右奥)

座長:水本 智也(理研AIP) 評者:貞光 九月(フューチャー株式会社)

12:20 〜 12:40

[4M2-J-9-02] Bouletic/Deontic Modality, Liberalism and Social Choice

〇西口 純代1 (1. 東京理科大学)

キーワード:decision maker

The state of \textit{wanting something} reflects personal preference and involves personal decision making. In that sense, wanting act follows the Condition of Liberalism. The condition of Liberalism
is that, no matter how other people oppose, personal decisions can be made on certain matters. In actuality, what we want may not come out due to restrictions, but wanting something is a liberal act. This paper argues that bouletic and deontic modality has decision makers and involves social choice.