Organized Session
[4F2-OS-25a] OS-25 (1)
Fri. Jun 12, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room F (jsai2020online-6)
熊野 史朗(NTT)、寺田 和憲(岐阜大学)、鈴木 健嗣(筑波大学)
12:00 PM - 12:40 PM
〇Hideki Ohira1 (1. Nagoya University)
12:40 PM - 1:00 PM
[4F2-OS-25a-02] Mathematical Representation of Emotion Using Multimodal Deep Neural Networks
Effects of the Number of Dimensions of Emotional Space on the Performance of Recognition and Unification Tasks
〇Seiichi Harata1, Takuto Sakuma1, Shohei Kato1,2 (1. Computer Science Program, Dept. of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, 2. Frontier Research Institute for Information Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
1:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Yu Yang1, 〇Chie Hieida2, Takato Horii3,4, Takayuki Nagai3,1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications, 2. Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 3. Osaka University, 4. International Research Center for Neurointelligence, The University of Tokyo)
1:20 PM - 1:40 PM
〇Kazunori Terada1, Celso M. de Melo2, Jonathan Gratch3 (1. Gifu University, 2. US Army Research Laboratory, 3. Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California)