2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第34回)



オーガナイズドセッション » OS-6 複雑化社会における意思決定・合意形成のためのAI技術

[1C3-OS-6a] 複雑化社会における意思決定・合意形成のためのAI技術 (1)

2020年6月9日(火) 13:20 〜 15:00 C会場 (jsai2020online-3)

福島 俊一(科学技術振興機構)、福田 直樹(静岡大学)、伊藤 孝行(名古屋工業大学)

13:20 〜 13:40

[1C3-OS-6a-01] Usage & Application of AI-based Discussion Facilitation System for Urban Renewal in selected districts of Kabul city: Afghanistan Experimental View

〇Jawad Haqbeen1, Takayuki Ito1, Rafik Hadfi1, Sofia Sahab2, Tomohiro Nishida1, Ramin Amiryar3 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 2. Kabul University, 3. Kabul Municipality )

キーワード:online discussion, AI-based facilitation, SDGs, Soft problems, Conversational agent

Our paper is especially focused on the international experiment transfer of D-Agree usage and application for wicked city problems of fragile and conflict-affected city like Kabul. The content includes the background, process and formalization of the collaboration and reports on the outline of the Societal experiment of D-Agree in selected district of Kabul Municipality, and outcome-based content analysis of the Kabul experiment compare to Nagoya experiment case. It also mentions the implications of international differences (Nagoya-Kabul) in social systems highlighted from the episodes of the debriefing discussion conducted through utilizing D-Agree.The final objective of our study is to evaluate facilitation of citizens discussion regarding access to city meeting in order to solve urban renewal problems, and evaluate AI-based facilitation of system.

Method. Our action research is based on the soft system methodology of Checkland et al. and applies the gaming exercise.
We conducted an action research regarding the implementation AI-based facilitation city-citizens discussion within the context of NITech-KM international collaboration by utilizing D-agree and reported its progress.

