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General Session

General Session » J-13 AI application

[1D4-GS-13] AI application: Social issues

Tue. Jun 9, 2020 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room D (jsai2020online-4)


3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

[1D4-GS-13-02] Verification of cognitive function preservation effect by a Shiritori game with a dialogue agent for dementia patients

〇Hiroaki Sugiyama Sugiyama1, Kenji Nakamura2, Yoshihiro Harada2, Tatsuya Ohguchi2, Minako Horiguchi2, Shogo Sagawa2 (1. NTT, 2. Takasaki University of Health and Welfare)

Keywords:Maintain cognitive function, Shiritori game, Dialogue agent

In recent years, the population is aging rapidly, and many people spend their days in nursing homes.
While such services are expected to maintain cognitive functions through communication with others,
it is not always possible to get enough communication on a daily basis because the long working hours of facility staff become a social problem.
To relax this tough situation, dialogue agents are expected to chat with people.
However, at present it is not possible to achieve satisfactory chats with people.
In this study, we focus on a simpler form of dialogue, the game of Shiritori.
We verify whether a game with a dialogue agent is effective for maintaining cognitive functions through a three-month WoZ experiment.
Through our experiment, playing Shiritori with a dialogue agent significantly improves cognitive measures of dementia patients.

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