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General Session

General Session » J-12 Human interface, education aid

[2B6-GS-12] Human interface, education aid: Learning and modeling

Wed. Jun 10, 2020 5:50 PM - 7:30 PM Room B (jsai2020online-2)


7:10 PM - 7:30 PM

[2B6-GS-12-05] Reflection Support Method for Creative Discussion

-Utilization of Document Semantics and Multimodal Interaction Information-

〇Atsuya Shono1, Yuki Hayashi1, Kazuhisa Seta1 (1. Osaka Prefecture University)

Keywords:Creative Discussion, Reflection Support, Multimodal Interaction Information, Document Semantics

In problem solving activities such as research activities, creative discussions are crucial for taking adequate decisions regarding the research orientation and approach. Building on the idea that the quality of discussions depends on the quality of preparation, we aim at promoting more fruitful research discussions by providing learners with angles of reflection towards facilitating their self-conversation prior to research discussions. In this study, using a multimodal CSCL environment, we present and implement a method which uses interaction rules based on semantics in the discussion materials, combined to gaze and speech information during discussion activities, to capture and provide learners with potentially interesting reflection intervals.

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