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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-20

[2F5-OS-20b] OS-20 (2)

Wed. Jun 10, 2020 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM Room F (jsai2020online-6)

大槻 恭士(山形大学)、狩野 芳伸(静岡大学)、片上 大輔(東京工芸大学)、大澤 博隆(筑波大学)、稲葉 将通(電気通信大学)

4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

[2F5-OS-20b-02] Development of a simple generation system of the werewolf AI agent

〇Atsushi Takeda1, Fujio Toriumi1 (1. The University of Tokyo)


In recent years, the game "werewolf" has attracted attention as a standard problem replacing shogi and chess in the field of artificial intelligence . The game "werewolf" is a communication game that belongs to the imperfect information game, and the AI that plays werewolf is called "AIWolf". A platform for the AIWolf agents to play the game werewolf has been already created, and "AIWolf Competition" has been held five times to recruit general developers and compete for the strength of the agents they developed. The purpose of the competition is to promote development of AIWolf by collective intelligence. Therefore it is considered important to have more developers participate. A problem that arise is that the number of developers who can participate is limited because the developers are required to be able to write some computer programs. In this paper, to solve this problem, we develop a simple AIWolf generation system that does not require programming by parameterizing AIWolf based on the winning agent of the past competition.

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