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General Session

General Session » J-13 AI application

[2H5-GS-13] AI application: Image processing

Wed. Jun 10, 2020 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM Room H (jsai2020online-8)


4:50 PM - 5:10 PM

[2H5-GS-13-04] Detection of the damage from the natural disaster using CCTV image based on GAN

〇Ryuto Yoshida1, Takato Yasuno1, Junichiro Fuji1, Junichi Okubo1, Masazumi Amakata1 (1. YACHIYO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. )

Keywords:GAN, CCTV, anomaly detection

When disasters occur, it is required to understand the damage as soon as possible. And, CCTV camera is good tool to monitor the damage in real time from remote location. However, CCTV camera that depends on visual check causes human errors like oversights. Purpose of this study is to develop methods that detects the damage automatically. Especially, this study focuses on the anomaly detection using GAN. As a result of this study, it was possible to detect the damage under simple condition.

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