
Presentation information

Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-14

[1I4-OS-14a] 未踏データが生み出す新しいAI社会エコシステム(1/2)

Tue. Jun 14, 2022 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM Room I (Room I)

オーガナイザ:早矢仕 晃章(東京大学)[現地]、石川 開(日本電気)、大澤 幸生(東京大学)

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[1I4-OS-14a-02] Coral Blue Carbon AI Project for Cool Earth AI Project

〇Yasushi Izawa1 (1. EcoTourLab)

Keywords:Blue Carbon, Coral Reef, Decarbonization, Unexplored data, Moonshot

Currently, DAC (Direct Air Capture) is in the practical stage in the United States, which has a vast land area. In Japan, land-based CCS is in the practical stage, but the storage space after recovery is scarce due to the small land area. Turning the point of view to the sea, the superiority of Japan, an island nation, stands out because the 2,000 km coastal area from Okinawa facing the Pacific Ocean to the Kanto region is a coral habitat, and blue carbon (CO2 absorption by the ecosystem). This is because it can be a generation zone. Therefore, in this presentation, (1) coral blue carbon demonstration using machine learning, (2) optimization of flag coral breeding method, (3) development of coral reef recovery technology by biological imitation, (4) work that can train the above-mentioned technology, etc. In this presentation, we will focus on unexplored data in the sea area and utilize machine learning to examine the decarbonization potential of coral blue carbon.

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