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General Session

General Session » GS-2 Machine learning

[2C5-GS-2] Machine learning: reinforcement learning (2)

Wed. Jun 15, 2022 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room C (Room C-2)

座長:内部 英治(国際電気通信基礎技術研究所)[現地]

4:20 PM - 4:40 PM

[2C5-GS-2-04] Safe Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State Spaces based on DQN

〇Yuto Ohashi1, Tohgoroh Matsui2, Atsuko Mutoh1, Koichi Moriyama1, Nobuhiro Inuzuka1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 2. Chubu University)

Keywords:AI, machine learning, reinforcement learning, safe reinforcement learning, deep learning

These days, we use robots in dangerous environments where we can't go in, such as disaster areas and space. Safety reinforcement learning learns how to avoid dangers. Umemoto et al. has proposed HDEQ of Safety Reinforcement Learning in high-dimensional continuous space. HDEQ uses VAE to decrease dimensions of observation, but this doesn't work on the problems such as robot control that we want to solve. We propose a method based on DQN to solve these problems. In addition, we confirm whether the proposed method can avoid dangers in a Safety Gym environment or not.

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