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General Session

General Session » GS-9 Human interface

[2F4-GS-9] Human interface: system building

Wed. Jun 15, 2022 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM Room F (Room F)

座長:山田 誠二(国立情報学研究所)[現地]

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[2F4-GS-9-05] Development of Beginners’ Learning Support System for playing Ryuteki in Gagaku using Sound Processing Technology

〇Yasushi Ueno1, Masato Soga2 (1. Graduate School of Wakayama University, 2. Wakayama University)


Keywords:Learning Support System, Sound Processing Technology, Fourier Transform, Gagaku, Ryuteki

Ryuteki is one of the instruments in the traditional Japanese music, Gagaku. It is difficult for beginners to learn its playing techniques. The best way to learn its playing techniques is to learn from a skilled person such as an instructor, but Gagaku has limited opportunities to learn from skilled person, especially due to time and cost constraints. Therefore, in this research, we have developed a system that automatically determines whether the pitch and timing of the performance are correct using sound processing technology. Specifically, when a beginner plays a Ryuteki, the system presents feedback on the results of the play. Then, we conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate whether this system could improve the playing technique of Ryuteki. As a result, it is expected that beginners will learn the playing technique of Ryuteki, but the improvement points of the system were also mentioned.

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