
Presentation information

General Session

General Session » GS-9 Human interface

[3F3-GS-9] Human interface

Thu. Jun 16, 2022 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM Room F (Room F)

座長:山田 雅敏(常葉大学)[現地]

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

[3F3-GS-9-01] Development of Non-Contact User Interface by Hand Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning

〇Daiki Ishiguro1, Tomoko Ozeki1 (1. Tokai University)

Keywords:Hand Gesture Recognition, Non-Contact User Interface, Map Application

In this study, we develop a non-contact user interface that can recognize hand gestures from input images obtained by a monocular RGB camera and operate a web application. We aim to realize a gesture manipulation system that can be easily operated on general-purpose mobile devices by using only a monocular RGB camera, while there are prior examples of UIs that use infrared sensors and motion sensors to operate objects without touching the operating device. First, we collect the coordinate points of each joint of the hand detected by MediaPipe, a machine learning library, as training data, and classify them into several gestures by deep learning. In addition, it manipulates the map displayed on the application in a way that reflects the recognized hand gestures. We also trained the system using different networks, such as MLP, CNN, and LSTM, to verify the accuracy of each network and to select the most suitable network. We have achieved 94% accuracy of gesture recognition by LSTM and built a NUI system which is available in mobile devices.

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