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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-15

[3G4-OS-15b] 移動系列のデータマイニングと機械学習(2/2)

Thu. Jun 16, 2022 2:50 PM - 5:10 PM Room G (Room G)

オーガナイザ:藤井 慶輔(名古屋大学)[現地]、竹内 孝(京都大学)、沖 拓弥(東京工業大学)、西田 遼(東北大学)、田部井 靖生(理化学研究所)、前川 卓也(大阪大学)

3:50 PM - 4:10 PM

[3G4-OS-15b-04] Estimating the Effect of Team Hitting Strategies Using Counterfactual Virtual Simulation in Baseball

〇Hiroshi Nakahara1, Kazuya Takeda1, Keisuke Fujii1,2,3 (1. Nagoya University, 2. RIKEN, 3. JST Presto)

Keywords:sports, machine learning, counter-factual

In baseball, every play on the field is quantitatively evaluated and has an effect on individual and team strategies. The weighted on base average (wOBA) is well known as a measure of an batter's hitting contribution. However, this measure ignores the game situation, such as the runners on base, which coaches and batters are known to consider when employing multiple hitting strategies. Yet, the effectiveness of these strategies is unknown. This is probably because (1) we cannot obtain the batter's strategy and (2) it is difficult to estimate the effect of the strategies. Here, we propose a new method for estimating the effect using counterfactual batting simulation. To this end, we propose a deep learning model that transforms batting ability when batting strategy is changed. This method can estimate the effects of various strategies, which has been traditionally difficult with actual game data. We found that, when the switching cost of batting strategies can be ignored, the use of different strategies increased runs. When the switching cost is considered, the conditions for increasing runs are limited. Our validation results suggest that our simulation could clarify the effect of using multiple batting strategies.

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