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General Session

General Session » GS-10 AI application

[3K4-GS-10] AI application: text analysis

Thu. Jun 16, 2022 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Room K (Room K)

座長:林 勝悟(NEC)[現地]

4:30 PM - 4:50 PM

[3K4-GS-10-04] The rise of power semiconductors: correlation analysis of specific words used in internal reports & external news

〇Saya Ueda1, Yoshinori Miyamae1, Yoshiaki Oku1, Ken Nakahara1 (1. ROHM Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:News analytics, Sales analysis, Word2vec, skip-gram

This study used natural language processing techniques to analyze "internal reports", which includes sales information, and "external news", which includes information about technology, for trends when product sales using the company's proprietary technology enter a period of expansion. In the field of power electronics the sales of Silicon Carbide (SiC) based products operating with lower power loss than Si(Silicon) ones, and Gallium Nitride(GaN), which can operate at higher speeds, has begun. After a long period of research, SiC was first established in the market, whereas GaN products have yet to reach a significant level. To compare such differences in the degree of market share, we used "internal reports" and "external news" during the period of SiC/GaN sales expansion, by Word2Vec for each year. In result, words related to sales and specific markets could be extracted from two years before SiC sales expansion, whereas not in the case of GaN.

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