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Interactive Session

General Session » Interactive Session

[4Yin2] Interactive session 2

Fri. Jun 17, 2022 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room Y (Event Hall)

[4Yin2-11] Emergent Generation of Camouflage Patterns by Artificial Ant Swarms

〇Koichiro Sato1, Kazunori Mizuno1, Takaaki Toya2 (1.Takushoku University, 2.Takushoku University)

Keywords:Camouflage, Emergence, Swarm intelligence, ALife, Image Processing

A camouflage pattern is a texture pattern that contains various colors and localized shapes to be blended with landscapes or objects. Most of camouflage patterns are generally created by combining colors and various local shape patterns based on human subjectivity. However, it can be difficult to generate an appropriate camouflage pattern according to a specific background image. In this paper, we propose a method to emergently generate camouflage patterns based on the input image data. The proposed method first extracts the features of the input image then draws the camouflage using an image generation method called an Ant Painting algorithm. We demonstrate that the proposed method can generate various camouflage patterns according to feature parameters of some input images.

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