2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
〇Masashi Noguchi1, Shinichi Shirakawa1 (1. Yokohama National University)
Organized Session
Organized Session » OS-1
Fri. Jun 9, 2023 2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room I (B2)
オーガナイザ:大西 正輝、日野 英逸
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
〇Masashi Noguchi1, Shinichi Shirakawa1 (1. Yokohama National University)
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM
〇Shogo Sagawa1,2, Hideitsu Hino3,4 (1. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 2. KONICA MINOLTA, INC., 3. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 4. RIKEN)
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
〇Yoichi Hirose1, Shinichi Shirakawa1 (1. Yokohama National University)
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM
〇Yasutoshi Kishimoto1, Kota Yamanishi1, Takuya Matsuda1, Shinichi Shirakawa1 (1. Yokohama National University)
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM
〇Takuya Asakura1, Nakamasa Inoue1, Rio Yokota1, Koichi Shinoda1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)
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