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General Session

General Session » GS-10 AI application

[1N5-GS-10] AI application

Tue. Jun 6, 2023 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Room N (D2)

座長:水本 智也(LINE) [現地]

5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

[1N5-GS-10-03] Sensibility Design for Brewing Coffee Based on Automatic Music Composition Technology

〇Noriko Otani1, Sou Hirawata1, Daisuke Okabe1 (1. Tokyo City University)

Keywords:Automatic Music Composition, Symbiotic Evolution, Sensibility Design, Coffee Brewing

The taste of coffee is greatly influenced by the type and quality of the beans, the grind, the water temperature, as well as the extraction method. The drip method, which is the most common, can be challenging for novice coffee brewers to manage steaming time and pouring hot water. Music has various effects such as evoking emotions, creating atmosphere, and stimulating the brain. There are many pieces of music designed for specific effects, but none designed for coffee brewing. The impressions and feelings that arise from listening to music vary from person to person. Music that is distributed to the general public may not be effective for each individual. In this study, we aim to enable even novice coffee brewers to enjoy brewing delicious coffee, and propose a method for generating music to be played during coffee brewing based on symbiotic evolution. Experimental results show that the music generated by the proposed method may be able to induce the ideal coffee brewing process.

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