3:20 PM - 3:40 PM
[1R4-OS-10a-02] Implementation of Quality Indicator based on Strategy in Code Sharing Platform and its Evaluation
Keywords:Programming Learning, Knowledge Sharing, Learning from Others
Refinement activities that bring code closer to better are important in programming learning.We have developed a code-sharing platform with a mechanism for sharing only code that is close in level. The authors believe that sharing codes that are close to the learners' strategy is beneficial in refinement activities, and have proposed a method to evaluate the strategy of codes and a method to calculate the closeness of strategy as similarity.In this paper, we implemented a filtering method that displays only codes that exceed a certain level of similarity to the ranking, and conducted an experiment to compare the ranking of the proposed method with that of the conventional method, targeting expert programmers. The results suggest that learning by using the ranking of the proposed method encourages code refinement activities.
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