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General Session

General Session » GS-5 Agents

[2F6-GS-5] Agents

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:10 PM Room F (A3)

座長:太田 光一(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)[現地]

6:30 PM - 6:50 PM

[2F6-GS-5-04] Application of Negotiation Algorithm to Exclusive Control of Conveyor Machines for Automated Warehouses

〇Takumi Iida1, Itsuki Noda1, Satoshi Oyama1, Toyohiro Kondo2, Hiroki Soda2, Naoharu Ueda2, Masamichi Nawa2, Norihiko Kato2 (1. Hokkaido University, 2. Toyota Industries Corporation)

Keywords:Multiagent, MAPF, Lifelong MAPF, Simulation, Negotiation algorithm

We propose a task-allocation procedure with preplanning and a resource-re-allocation method by negotiation for path-management of multiple carry robots(agents) in automated warehouses.
The task-allocation to agents and the path-management as resource-allocation are key factors to determine the performance of the warehouse. We assume these two factors as separated independent problems, and apply preplanning and negotiation method, respectively.
The proposed methods are evaluated by simulation experiments with several problem setting. The results of experiments shows that the proposed method can improve the performance of the warehouse and usage of agents with reasonable computational complexity.

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