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General Session

General Session » GS-3 Knowledge utilization and sharing

[2L5-GS-3] Knowledge utilization and sharing

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM Room L (C2)

座長:森田 武史(青山学院大学) [現地]

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM

[2L5-GS-3-01] Visualizing the Demand and Supply of Skills in the Industry using Signed Network Analysis

〇Shu Liu1, Fujio Toriumi1, Hiroyuki Tajima2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. TechnoPro Holdings, Inc.)

Keywords:skills management, signed skill network, network analysis

Since the skills possessed by engineers do not always match the skills required for a job, visualization of the demand and supply of skills is significant for both macro resource allocation and career advancement of engineers. In this study, we construct a signed network that integrates the demand and supply of skills, and use network analysis techniques to clarify the multi-scale relationships among skills. We classify and visualize skills by extracting skill sets that focus on the largest clique in the signed network, applying a community extraction method hierarchically. We interpret the results and findings with considerable suggestions. Finally, we compare signed skill networks by industry to identify field-specific skill sets and provide insights for crossdisciplinary human resource development.

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