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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-28

[2R5-OS-28a] 知・情・意―AIが人間研究になるための枠組み

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM Room R (602)

オーガナイザ:諏訪 正樹、藤井 晴行

3:50 PM - 4:10 PM

[2R5-OS-28a-02] Tool Promoting Emergence of "Mi-ugoki"

Toward to Way of Being as Embodied Knowledge Integrating “Chi-Joh-I”

〇Takahito Horiuchi1, Masaki Suwa1 (1. Keio University)

Keywords:Hyojo, Mi-ugoki, Embodied knowledge, Creativity support tool, Phenomenology

“Joh-cho” is the harmonious and integral combination of intellect, emotion, will, and sensation, belonging to neither “thing” nor “mind”.We must acquire “Joh-kai”, an affective way of understanding, in order to understand “Joh-cho”.Authors believe that embodiment supports “Jo-kai”, considering phenomenological concepts such as “Hyoh-joh”, “Kinesthetic Melody”, and so on.On the basis for that concepts, we are able to acquire “Jo-kai” by seeing through our own body, not only with our own eyes.Therefore, it is necessary for acquiring “Joh-cho” and “Jo-kai” not only to study through writing about that concepts, but also to encourage our own body to be a medium of seeing, which authors call that “emergence of Mi-ugoki”In this paper, we also introduce a piece of the practice with an application which encourages emergence of “Mi-ugoki” we are working on.

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