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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-28

[2R6-OS-28b] 知・情・意―AIが人間研究になるための枠組み

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:10 PM Room R (602)

オーガナイザ:諏訪 正樹、藤井 晴行

5:30 PM - 5:50 PM

[2R6-OS-28b-01] Smart City, Haiku and Alaya-vijnana

〇Yasuto Nakanishi1 (1. Keio University)

Keywords:Alaya-vijnana, Haiku, Smart City

The future is just around the corner when self-driving cars, robots, AI, and other machine intelligence will surround us. What kind of environment will we be in when that intelligence and capability, however simple and limited, crosses a certain amount and becomes part of the landscape? As personal computers and the Internet spread worldwide, what kind of intelligence will the new tools and environments bring out in humanity? Many of these questions were discussed. How will machine intelligence surround the environment, and what kind of intelligence will be drawn from it? To answer this question, we are conducting a project called "Smart Cities, Fungi, and Buddha." We are interviewing people in various fields, referring to fungi as a symbol of intelligence different from that of humans and Buddha's intelligence as intelligence that transcends humanity. By referring "Jyoucho" described in Kiyoshi Oka's "A Life of Mathematics" and animism in haiku and Alaya-vijnana as a way of creativity, this paper envisions a new way of depicting the world that deviates from the modern city that symbolizes conscious and rational thinking.

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