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General Session

General Session » GS-5 Agents

[2T5-GS-5] Agents

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM Room T (Online)

座長:東藤 大樹(九州大学)[オンライン]

4:50 PM - 5:10 PM

[2T5-GS-5-05] Shogi learning support system considering the assistance dilemma

〇Seiya Kanazawa1, Daisuke Katagami1, Tomoki Miyamoto2 (1. Graduate School of Tokyo Polytechnic University, 2. Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications)


Keywords:Games, Shogi AI

To decide the next move in Shogi, it is necessary to narrow down the candidate moves from several possible moves, read through the moves, compare the read-throughs, and make the move that is judged to be the better move. In general, there are many possible moves in Shogi, and a Shogi beginner does not know which move to consider. Therefore, existing Shogi AI assists the user by presenting candidate moves. The suggestion of a candidate move is a specific move such as "move the 28 rook to the 68 square". However, the assistance with candidate move suggestions may encourage the user to abandon thinking by simply playing the suggested move instead of reading the future development. Such excessive assistance may cause the learner to lose the ability to self-learn, which is called the "assistance dilemma". In this study, we propose a system in which only pieces that should be moved, such as "move the 28 rook," are presented, and where to move each piece is not presented. Through experiments, we have compared the proposed system with existing assistance systems and investigated its potential to promote thinking and solve the assistance dilemma.

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