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General Session

General Session » GS-9 Human interface

[2T6-GS-9] Human interface

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Room T (Online)

座長:布施 陽太郎(富山県立大学) [現地]

5:50 PM - 6:10 PM

[2T6-GS-9-02] Real-time Cooking Activity Recognition Using Accelerometers

〇Kenji Ogami1, Hiroaki Tobita1 (1. Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology)


Keywords:Human Activity Recognition, Human Computer Interaction, Real-time inference

Cooking by ourselves is important to manage our health. But it’s difficult especially for beginners to reproduce recipes. As a solution to this issue, systems supporting persons who are cooking by feedback from their activities are considerable. In this study, we propose a method of real-time cooking activity recognition using accelerometers to realize such systems. Our proposed method classifies the subject’s activities during cooking of curry to 7 classes by convolutional LSTM with frequency of one time per a second. We confirmed a performance of our proposed method was 86.39% in batch inference, 61.32% in real-time inference as results of evaluation with macro-average of recalls.

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