
Presentation information

General Session

General Session » GS-5 Language media processing

[4A2-GS-6] Language media processing

Fri. Jun 9, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room A (Main hall)

座長:三田 雅人(サイバーエージェント) [現地]

12:20 PM - 12:40 PM

[4A2-GS-6-02] Generating Counselor Utterances in Motivational Interviewing based on Summarization and Dialogue Generation

Eri Hirose1, 〇Jie Zeng1, Tatsuya Sakato2, Yukiko Nakano2 (1. Seikei University Graduate School of Science and Technology, 2. Seikei University Faculty of Science and Technology)

Keywords: motivational interviewing, dialogue system

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling method for motivating behavioral change of the client . Although the number of studies ofn MI is increasing, there is no MI dataset in Japanese, nor is there a dialogue system for MIusing it. In this study, we developed an MI dataset corpus and a dialogue system using the dataset. With the cooperation of experts, First, we recorded MI sessions between MI experts and clients to create the data and created a corpus. Analyzing the collected corpus, we found that Next, we created a dialogue model. Since reflection and summarizationing are important in MI. Therefore,, we created a summary generation model specialized for this purpose to summarize client’s utterances and a basic dialogue model thatfor generatesing other types of utterancesconversations. A dialogue system By integrating these two models, we builtd a dialogue system was constructed. We, and conducted a preliminary evaluation of the system, and found that was conducted. Thethe dialogues generated by the system presented some typical characteristics of MI.

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