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General Session

General Session » GS-5 Language media processing

[4A2-GS-6] Language media processing

Fri. Jun 9, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room A (Main hall)

座長:三田 雅人(サイバーエージェント) [現地]

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[4A2-GS-6-04] DialBB: A Dialogue System Development Framework as an Information Technology Educational Material

〇Mikio Nakano1,2, Kazunori Komatani2 (1. C4A Research Institute, Inc., 2. SANKEN, Osaka University)

Keywords:dialogue system, framework, information technology educational material

Developing dialogue systems needs integrating various technologies, so they are promising as information technology educational materials. However, existing dialogue system development frameworks are not designed for educational purposes, so they are unsuitable for beginners. Therefore, we have been constructing DialBB, a dialogue system development framework with extensible architecture and readable codes. DialBB enables the development of dialogue systems by combining modules called building blocks. Developers can easily build simple systems using built-in blocks and can build advanced systems using their own developed blocks. The development of several applications has shown the viability of DialBB as a dialogue system development framework.

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