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General Session

General Session » GS-8 Robot and real worlds

[4O2-GS-8] Robot and real worlds

Fri. Jun 9, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room O (E1+E2)

座長:馬場 惇(サイバーエージェント) [現地]

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM

[4O2-GS-8-05] Text-Based Goal Definition in an Affordance-Driven Robot Action Planning System

〇Mami Kuroishi1, Solvi Arnold2, Tadashi Adachi1, Kimitoshi Yamazaki2 (1. EPSON AVASYS CORPORATION, 2. SHINSHU UNIVERSITY)

Keywords:CLIP, Intelligent Robotics, Affordance

For robots to operate effectively in the real world, the ability to autonomously generate action plans is indispensable. This requires reasoning through future states and prediction of action effects at fine granularity. For use in human support scenarios, it is further important that planning goals can be provided in the form of human language. In previous research, we proposed a robot action planning system that generates action plans for goals specified at run time [Arnold 2023]. However, goals had to be specified as image patches depicting the goal condition, which is impractical in practice. Here, we extend the action planning system so that goals can be specified in text format, by integrating a modified CLIP [Radford 2021] model into the planning system. During plan generation, the system evaluates plans by predicting plan outcomes in image form and comparing these predictions to the goal text using CLIP. This paper focuses on evaluation of CLIP’s potential for relating images and text in our task domain. We also conduct a verification experiment of the integrated planning system and show that the system can generate plans based on goals specified in text format.

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