The 57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists Kantokoshinetsu-Tokyo Region

Presentation information



[P52] 術前評価(3)

Sat. Sep 2, 2017 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ポスター会場 (京王プラザホテル 新宿 花【本館4階】)

座長:三尾 寧(東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院)

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

[P52-04] Hypertorophy of the tongue base was admitted, and it led to an unexpected tracheal intubation, the case which had no abnormality by the otolaryngologist value of the post-operatively

〇Kaori K Kuroiwa1, Masaaki Nisizawa1, Nami Kondo1, Haruka Nakazawa1, Takanobu Hirabayashi1, Takahiro Takano1 (1. Nagano Red Cross Hospital)

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