The 55th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists Kyushu Region

Presentation information



[P10] 循環系合併症 2

Sat. Sep 9, 2017 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ポスター会場 (大分オアシスタワーホテル エトワール【21F】)

座長:槇田 徹次(佐世保市総合医療センター)

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

[P10-01] A case of vomiting syncope following atrioventricular block, after general anesthesia

〇Seitetsu Hai1, Seiji Watanabe2, Takao Hirata1 (1. Department of Anesthesiology, Shimonoseki City Hospital, 2. Dept. of Anesthesiology, Kyushu Dental University)

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