


18.JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia » 18.6 Information Photonics

[20p-C4-1~7] 18.6 Information Photonics

2014年9月20日(土) 12:45 〜 15:00 C4 (B32)

12:45 〜 13:15

[20p-C4-1] [INVITED]Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain

Ying Fu2, Antony Lam1, Imari Sato1, Takahiro Okabe3, Sato Yoichi2 (National Inst. of Informatics National Inst. of Informatics1, Univ. of Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo2, Kyushu Inst. of Technology Kyushu Inst. of Technology3)

キーワード:information photonics